Growing in the new life

Sunday, 18th June, 2017

Speaker : Sis. Nancy Manoj

Psalms 119:18
Read and meditate over the word.

(1) Exodus 24:3
Obedience to God's word is important. When we meditate on God's word, we have to read it carefully, slowly and systematically. Ask God to help you to understand and be obedient to His word.

(2) Nehemiah 8:3
We have to be very 'attentive' when it comes to listening and reading the word of God. Hear what God has to say through that scripture. After getting a new life, don't stop where you are, instead keep going deeper in the word of God.

(3) Job 22:22
Keep God's word in your heart. Whenever there's a difficult situation or confusion, the exact word will come into your heart like a counsel. The word of God a light unto our feet and a lamp to our paths.

A lot of times we meditate over our problems, but we need to meditate over the word of God instead.


(1) God's word will keep you from sinning.
Psalms 119:11

(2) God's word provides comfort in times of trouble.
When you have the word of God in your heart, you'll not retaliate but have peace during the times of trouble. It is very important to read the Bible.

(3) God's word gives perfect peace.
Isaiah 26:3

God's words are 'Yes' and 'Amen' You have to take God's word as real and take it for your life and confess that it will bless you, because he's a God of faithfulness.
When you give your tithes and offerings, you need to have the knowledge of the word. It's very important to give in the house of God joyfully. (Malachi 3)

(4) God's Word is our life
Deuteronomy 8:3

God wants to strengthen and protect their spiritual life. You have to fall in love with the bible.

(5) God's word guides us.
Proverbs 6:32-23

Righteousness, peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost is the Kingdom of God. Just like the vine and the branch is always intertwined, that's how you and the word should be. Confession of the word is highly important. Always confess positive things and the promises of God, declare it.

(6) Putting God's word first.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7

The word of God needs to be in your heart first and that's when you can teach it to others as well as your children. Don't misguide anybody because of half knowledge. Even when you're walking, sleeping or waking up you have to declare and discuss the word of God. Putting God and his word in the first place is highly essential.


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