Answer to your enemy.

Then David said to the Philistine , "You come to me with a sword , with a spear , and with javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.  -1 Samuel 17:45

What are things that are troubling you and snatching your peace away? What are the things in your life that are occupying a major portion of your mind and you can't stop thinking about them? What will be your reply to those things which are creating a havoc in your emotional world as well as in your practical world? Like David we need to say : You come to me with depression, stress, anxieties and worries But I come to you in the name of Jesus. The prince of peace will slay each and every thing in your mind that is destroying your peace. Confessing your weaknesses to God gives Him an access to use those weakness to lead you to His strength. You can't defeat what you can't confront. You need to confront those things in prayer where God has the upper hand and not in gossips where you open the gates for the devil to dump garbage in your mind. Let's have a look at the situation where David is before his enemy. The enemy is equipped with a sword, spear and a javelin, the most lethal weapons of warfare but David is equipped with the name of the Lord of Hosts. Sometimes we are so focused on the enemy's strength than we are on God's. We're not fighting for the victory but we are fighting from the victory. David won the battle when he equipped himself with the name of the Lord of Hosts and the giant wasn't defeated by a sword, spear or Javelin but with a sling and stone Because David's Confidence wasn't in the sword, sling or the stone but in the name of the Lord of Hosts. David was too focused about God's strength to notice whether the enemy was Bear, Lion or Goliath.

Prayer :

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your word which equips us to fight a good fight of faith and for gaining the victory over our enemies for us. You've already won the battle, help us to reach that point. In Jesus' name.

-Life in Jesus Ministries.


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