5 Essential things in a believers life

Sunday, 4th June, 2017.


It's the love of God that transforms everybody. When Jesus is in your family, he balances it. When the love of God is present in you, these things will operate in your life.

(1) Love for your saviour.
John 14:15
"If you love me, keep my commandments"
Revelations 2:4
Loveless church. Don't let your love for God grow cold. Your love for God should be visible to others, and should never fail. Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.

(2) Love for the scriptures.
John 5:38
The scripture testifies about Jesus. You need to read the scriptures everyday because then,
•You will think about Him all the time.
•You will have eternal life.
•Your life will be a testimony for Jesus.
Always keep the word of God in your thoughts, it will help you in easier decision making and knowing the will of God. The scriptures will testify through tu about Jesus.

(3) Love for His Sanctuary.
Hebrews 10:25
There are a lot of people who've left the church, but actually they've left Jesus. Those people who forsake the assembly, they have left the love of God. Just meet, fellowship and talk about the love of God and encourage one another.
Be happy when others prosper because their God is your God too. God isn't a partial God.
Psalms 122:1
David was glad when asked to go to the house of God. David wasn't glad when he conquered the kingdoms, when he got the crown on his head, when he got Goliath's head, when he killed the Philistines but he was glad only when people asked him to go to to house of God. The love for God and His sanctuary never ceased in David. When David saw the tabernacle of God he forgot his own kingship and remembered the King of Kings!
Barrenness comes in people's life because they criticise and the presence of God or take it for granted.

(4) Love for the saints (brothers)
1 John 4:20
If somone says "I love God" and hates his brother, he's a liar.
You need to love your brother as you love God. If you hate your bother whom you've seen, how can you love God whom you haven't seen? See God in him, and that's when you'll love him. Hence, "Love your neighbour as you love yourself." When you love God, you keep his commandments. When you start loving your brother you're keeping God's commandments because the love of God is seen through you.
1 John 4:12
John 13:35

(5) Love for sinners.
Jesus came to Zecharias, called his name because he knows a sinner by name. Your sin isn't big, your God is. Jesus isn't the lover of self-righteous people, he's the lover of sinners. Have the same heart like Jesus and share His love. It's not about loving people, but loving them with the love of Christ.
Show love to sinners and they'll tell you that they see Jesus in you.

People will come to you because they see Jesus in you.

Pst. Manoj Arunkumar


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