Faith and works

Sunday, 2nd July, 2017

Speaker : Pst. Manoj Arunkumar
Summarization : Shruti Vanjare

Faith without works is dead. The grace of God is activated only when you trust in Him. Even the God almighty heals through Jesus; He breaks your curses through Jesus.
Today, if you're not experiencing joy and blessings, it is because you have faith but you have no works backing it up. In the same way, only work isn't enough because you need faith too!

James 2:18-26
People avoid reading the book of James, but honestly, it will shape you as a person in Christ.
(1) Some have faith and no works
(2) Some have works and no faith  
(3) Some have faith as well as works

Q. What's the difference between demon's faith and our faith?
A. We have faith but we don't fear God. Demons also have faith, but they tremble in front of God because they know what He's capable of.

• Even the devil has faith, but he has no grace.
• When you fear God your curse is broken and your faith comes alive. When you have faith in God, your reverential fear towards God increases and that's the sign of your miracle.
• Your problems will go away only when your faith comes in action.
• Your faith will be tested by smiles and laughter. When the whole world laughs at you, that's the sign of your miracle! It's the time between the neck and the knife that God will perform a miracle. Between the neck and knife, Grace stood and said, "Abraham stop! I have seen your faith and I have seen your work."
• Miracles happen when you show God your faith and your works; that's when God provides the Lamb for you. Faith and Works will complete your miracle, fulfill it and perfect it!

Abraham received the following things from God:
(1) He became righteous before God.
If you have works and faith, you become righteous before God. God didn't create church for righteous people, he created it for the unrighteousness so that they turn away from it and become righteous.

(2) He became the friend of God.
Abraham put his faith into action resulting in him becoming a friend of God.

• As long as you believe, there's God's grace upon you. When you join God's army, you receive Grace; not to sin but to have victory over it.
• Man is justified by works, not by faith alone and faith must be shown by your lifestyle. If you want to align with God's truth, you need to have faith, works as well as grace.
• Rahab, a prostitute was considered as righteous before God because she gave lodging to Joshua and Caleb through faith in the God of Israel and entertained the two.
• Jesus was born through the generation of Rahab! (The red cloth signified the salvation of Jesus Christ on the Cross)
• Demons have faith and children of God also have faith. The only difference is that we walk by grace, faith and works.
• Satan lives as he wants, but Faith is living as God wants! When you obey the voice of God, there's an abundance of blessings.
• Past experiences hinder our faith. New belief should result in new behaviour. When you talk about your past and your precious failures, it blocks your 'net-breaking and boat-sinking miracles'. Don't think about who and what were you in the past but think about how Jesus is going to bless your future.
• Jesus asked Peter to put the net on the right side, that too in the morning, but his past experiences made him believe that he'll obviously fail again. But since the Creator had spoken the word, every fish in Galilee gathered around, ready to get caught in the net. Look at the faith and works of the fish!
• By hearing the word of God, your faith will become alive. Jesus told the dead girl to 'Arise!' and that's when Life came. She heard the voice and rose up for the glory of God. God expects us to rise up by faith and listen to his word and his voice.
• Jesus has removed every dirty tag of the past from you. Everyone was ready to stone the adulteress but when Jesus speaks, is there anyone to throw a stone at you? That's Jesus.

Jesus had faith, and He showed it through His work on the cross. The curses left and bondages broke by grace, through faith. Don't doubt because it's against faith and a sin.

Walking by faith.
If you take one step of faith and Jesus will take two steps of faith towards you. If you tell God that you're taking a step of faith, by putting your faith into action in overcoming sin, Jesus will take two steps towards you and pull you out of the same sin!

Lord Jesus, I ask for forgiveness in certain areas where I had an unbelief about your works. But today, I ask you to cast out the unbelief from my heart in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, from today I will only believe in You. My faith will start operating with the grace of God. Lord, in the counsel of many men we fail but I believe in Your counsel. Counsel me today so that when I'm out of this place, I will be a blessing to my nation, my family, my children, my business, my church, and my workplace. Jesus, today I ask you to increase my faith so that all my doubt is gone away. I believe that today, my faith is reward and my works in faith is renewed. The grace of God is sufficient to walk in the fullness of faith in Jesus Christ.


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