The Power of a Faithful Friend

Sunday, 6th August, 2017

Speaker : Pst. Manoj Arunkumar
Summarization : Shruti Vanjare

Acts 9:10-32
Saul studied in Gamalia and learned under great teachers. He was a Jew, highly qualified and rich. He was ordained by the High Priests to kill all the Christians; whoever takes the name of Jesus in Damascus. That's where Jesus appeared to Saul and he became blind.

God told Ananias to visit Saul. He was afraid because he had heard that Saul was a murderer who would kill anyone even speaking the name of Jesus. Ananias was frightened by Saul because of all the things he had heard about him but he still listened to the word of God and went ahead to become friends with Saul. In the same way, Barnabas was afraid of the apostles, but heeding the word of God, he became an advocate and a friend to Paul.
Ananias and Barnabas changed the whole world of Saul. When you're a faithful friend to someone you change their whole world.


(1) A faithful friend will always be there for you.

You need a friend who will guide you and be there for you no matter what. He will be happy in your happiness and be there for you when you're feeling low. A faithful friend simply ignores everything that is against you.

(2) A faithful friend knows the power of a gentle touch. (Acts 9:17)

Saul was fighting against loneliness and darkness and Ananias comes to him with a gentle touch in spite of him being a murderer who kills Christians. Three days of blindness made Saul lonely and frustrated and he was in need of a gentle touch of a friend. A faithful friend knows how to hold someone when their friend is hurt, in the same way the power of the Holy Spirit flowed through Ananias and restored Saul's sight by his gentle touch and embrace.

(3) A faithful friend speaks the right words at the right time.

Paul was very depressed but when Ananias came with his gentle touch and spoke the things that God put in his heart, he rejoiced. Kind and right words are important because it restores people's self confidence and esteem. Saul experienced the power of God in Damascus because of the faithfulness of Ananias and Barnabas.

(4) A faithful friend doesn't waver and hesitate to support.

Saul was in the hands of Barnabas, the encourager. When Saul came from Damascus to Jerusalem, all the disciples were frightened. The encourager always removes the fright out of the frightened and never wavers to support. A faithful and powerful friend will never allow you to slip.

(5) A faithful friend always stays with you. (Acts 11:35-26)

Only Ananias and Barnabas were with Saul throughout. Barnabas stayed with Saul for a whole year and then all his life. They built a church, grew, became missionaries, stayed together even in distress and disagreements together for a lifetime.
"Friends forever till Christ comes in glory."

Ananias and Barnabas changed Saul's whole world. This led to the transformation from Saul, a murderer to Paul, an apostle. This happened because of the hand of God and faithful friends.

Be a best friend to people with broken marriages, broken hearts and people struggling with loneliness. Anxious hearts are seeking peace, therefore be a faithful friend and be a reason for the peace in their lives. It's not only about preaching the word of God but also about being a faithful friend to somebody.

This friendship day, change the world for someone.

Jesus was a friend of sinners. Sinners turned into saints and disciples with Him.
Jesus formerly called them as apostles, evangelists and disciples but knew that if they had this title, they may eventually fall. Therefore, He no longer calls us His disciples and apostles but Jesus calls us His Friend.

You are a world changer by the power of the Holy Spirit. 


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