Answers to Prayers

Daily Word

29 Sept. 2017
Shruti Vanjare

 Answers to Prayers

“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”

- John 16:24

How often do we ask, wish and pray for certain things and then complain and blame God when it's not granted to us? There are few habits that we need to inculcate from the Word of God which gives an assurance that the right prayers (James 4:3) will surely be heard and answered by Him.

Jesus tells us, in Luke 11:9, "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

 We need to come before God as His children and ask, because he's a loving Father willing to give us the desires of our heart.

In the next verse Jesus tells us to seek and then knock too! What exactly does he want us to seek? Himself! When we seek God, He’s always willing to show us what He is capable of, leaving us awestruck and amazed. (Matthew 6:33)

Jesus says, “knock and the door will be opened to you.” Here, ‘knocking’ indicates an action or an act of faith. The Bible says that faith without works is dead. We may have abundant faith, but if we lack the act of 'knocking’, or working towards it, our prayers would be in vain. Empty faith will yield empty results. Therefore, knock, and the Lord will open doors for you which no man could ever shut! (Revelation 3:7)


Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus. Thank you for giving me the right to be your child. Thank you for your Word that promises that I shouldn't worry or be anxious about anything, instead give me the heart of prayer and intercession so that I may come before you as a living sacrifice and serve you with all my heart. Thank you for every blessing that is on the way for me and my family. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Life in Jesus Ministries


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