How do I have a Quiet Time ?

“Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.” 
Psalm 119:97

How do I have a Quiet Time? 

God speaks to us through the Bible, which is his Word in written form. 
Through the words of the Bible, we learn who God is and what he asks 
of us. However, if we do not invest time in knowing God’s Word, we 
will be ignorant of who God is and what he has to say about our lives. 
Author and Pastor Adrian Rogers gave the following helpful tips for 
spending quiet time with God each day. He gives five factors: Period, 
Preparation, Place, Provisions, and Procedure. 

The Proper Period 
You must find the right time. Your quiet time should last at least half 
an hour. But some time is better than no time, so if you can’t start at 
thirty minutes, begin with ten. It should be your very best time. Don’t 
give the Lord your leftovers. And don’t try to find time - make time, 
and make it a priority. The key here is quality rather than quantity. You 
want to be able to spend unhurried time with God – time when you are 
able to be focused on him and free from distractions.

The Proper Preparation 

A quiet time is fellowship with a holy God. There are a few things you 
can do to be prepared for this time. First, be physically alert. Find a 
time when the cobwebs are out of your mind and you can think clearly. 
Second, be mentally aware. Be focused, and know He’s there. While 
sometimes you may connect with God on an emotional level, don’t al- 
ways expect that. Realize that while feelings may come and go, God’s 
Word is always true and perfectly consistent. 

The Proper Place 

Location is crucial. Find a place where you can focus. Jesus said 
enter into your closet and pray (see Matthew 6:6). That simply means 
find a place of isolation where you can shut the door on the world 
and open the windows to the things of God. Jesus sought out places 
where he could be alone, and so should you (Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16).

The Proper Provisions 

In order to have an effective quiet time, you need the right tools. Here 
are a few suggestions: 
• A Readable Bible - Invest in one with plenty of room to jot notes 
in the margins. 
• A Journal – Write down the date and the section you’ve read 
that day if you’re not using a book mark. Expect God to give you 
something and write it down. You can use the same journal for 
your quiet times, taking notes in church, jotting down ideas dur- 
ing small group, writing prayers, etc.


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