Why have a Quiet Time ?

God’s whole plan for redemption is centered on his desire for a relationship with us. Through Jesus’ death for us on the cross, that relationship has been restored and secured. Having a quiet time is about 
enjoying that relationship. It is not a duty or a legalistic responsibility. 
Rather, it is a privilege to be enjoyed by someone who realizes that 
they are personally interacting with the God of the universe. A quiet 
time allows us to continually build our understanding of who God is 
calling us to be. As we read His word, listen to His voice, we then 
need to obediently follow where He leads! 
In the Bible, we also see that Jesus, who is the author and perfecter 
of our faith, spent time alone with God. Mark 1:35 is one example of 
this: just after beginning his ministry, we see that, “Very early in the 
morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went 
off to a solitary place, where he prayed”. Jesus needed to spend time 
with God, and so do we.


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