A Believer's Lifestyle : Part 1

A Believer's Lifestyle

However, as it is written: "What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived" the things God has prepared for those who love him

-1 Corinthians 2:9

Imagine the lifestyle of a Millionaire's Son. A lavish and a glamorous glimpse passes through our mind. What about a Billionaire's Son? Beyond our Dreams! Everything that we have ever desired. If these things fascinates our heart than there's one unspoken truth that conveys a lifestyle and happiness which is greater than these. You are a Child of the Most high God. The One who is the Creator of the silver and gold and millionaires and billionaires, the Maker and the Waker. But we go on with our lives ignoring this truth just like the Tolstoy's fabled beggar who spent his life sitting on a pot of gold, under him the whole time. Just because we don't live our lives according to the biblical standards we aren't qualified to receive the heavenly Blessings which God wants to pour out on our lives, we won't be able to handle it if our daily walk is not based upon biblical standards. Jesus was much practical when he called us Kings and High priests. To seek the things of the Above and not of the Below is the fundamental key for Unlocking some of soul's greatest mysteries. We are seated with Christ in Heavenly places. It's really Heart breaking to see that the Believers are not living up to their full potential which God has infused in them. Children of God coveting the life of unbelievers is just like  Water coveting the wetness of a sponge. Now that's Ironic and funny, Sponge might hold the wetness for a while but it's gonna dry up without water. And water is the reason that wetness exists. That's what Jesus meant when he called us the salt of the world. Know your Worth. Focus on real life treasures like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Fruits of the Holy Spirit are not just to possess them but to be feedd on them, to seek them and to earnestly desire them. If your Mind is stayed on God and his Goodness, everything else will fade away. To be wrapped in his loving arms in his presence is far more pleasant than to sit in a cinema theatre. To be Associated with Heavenly realms in prayer is better than breathing in clubs and pubs. Nourishing your mind with Bible is better than intoxicating it with People's views and opinions. To Meditate on his Word is better than Gossiping others lives and spreading rumors. To Motivate and Build others gives more happiness than to be jealous and discourage others. Faith slays fear, Love overtakes hate, and Hope triumphs over Despair. These are things that separates "the things of the above" from "the things of the below". And to all the Believers who entertain themselves by the things of the world, think on these questions :
Why are you so satisfied by walking on dry ground when God is calling you to walk on water? Why do you wanna satisfy your hunger with Stale leftover bread through which worms sneak( Worldly entertainment), when God wants to give you Heavenly fresh manna( Heavenly Encounters and Revelations through his word)?
A Believer's lifestyle is filled with Blessings, Joy and Prosperity on the inside as well as outside. The riches of his Glory is Unfathomable. The Lavishing Mansion which Jesus has prepared for us in heaven is much more extravagant than you can ever think or Imagine and the Joy of living in the Radiance and Majesty of His Impeccable Glory is much more Glamorous than any other Celestial Galaxies. His loving kindness is better than life. One day in the house of the Lord is Greater and Better than thousand elsewhere. If you don't believe me than come taste and see that the Lord is Good.
Take a Drink from the Living water and never Thirst Again. Stop living your life as a slave of sin and live your life as an Ambassador of God, Satan stomping Christian, Overcomer and a Conquerer, God is calling you for the transformation of your heart. Shake your past off and step on to the Biblical standards, Rejoice that your names are written in heaven and start your Abundant life today. Start your Life in Jesus.

-Himalay Sharma


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