What does the Lord require of you?

Daily Word

11th October 2017 - Himalay Sharma

He has shown you, O man, what is good;  And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? -Micah 6:8

A Good Good God has shown us his invisible attributes in Jesus Christ by his Character which is filled with Love, Compassion and unfailing Mercy. While we were still sinners and without strength, Christ took our place and died for us so that we might be Righteous before God. Such type of Love doesn't require anything from us but to walk worthy of the cross and His Sacrifice by living a Righteous life which is set before us by our Loving God. The love which we never deserved is finally ours by the blood of Jesus Christ.

In John 14:15, Jesus says "If you love Me, keep My commandments", God's love is an unconditional love so is it a condition that Jesus has put forth to follow his Commandments?
Certainly not, If a father is telling his son " Not to touch a burning coal and if you love me you will obey my words."
Is he putting a condition on his child that if he'll touch that Burning coal he'll no longer be his son and he will stop loving him? Not at all. But if he will touch that Burning coal, The son will get burnt by that coal and also the father will be hurt by seeing his Son in pain, both will get hurt because of a simple act of Disobedience. That's what Jesus meant when he told us to obey his Commandments.

It's not a Condition it's a Commandment.

Sometimes his Commandments seem like a bondage to some of the Believers but they are protecting us from the unseen dangers which will hurt us. Indeed it's an unconditional love and in keeping his Commandments is Joy and peace overflowing.
To walk humbly with your God is the most beautiful walk which leads you to the streets of Gold and Eternity where every tear is wiped out and there are no sorrows. To acknowledge that he is God and we are his little children living on his mercy and that we can do nothing without his assistance is the feeling of complete rest and peace.

So what does the Lord require of you dear ones ?, Read Micah 6:8 again and let that Scripture be engraved in your heart so that your spirit will follow it throughout your life.


Good Good father, 
You have shown us the way of living a Righteous life and to acquire complete rest and peace in your provision, Help us to do what is required of us, let our walk be holy and blameless in your sight.
In Jesus' Name

-Life in Jesus Ministries.



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